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The Emotional Eating Solution
What's Included:

The Emotional Eating Solution Curriculum: Six Step-by-Step Modules including Introduction to Emotional Eating, Origins of Emotional Eating, Your Relationship to Food and Eating, Taking Back the Power over Food, Losing Weight as an Emotional Eater, and Trusting Yourself Long Term with Food. Lifetime access. (Value: $6,000)

Monthly Accountability Calls. You’ll ​connect with other people on the same ​journey as you, with access to the private ​community and monthly accountability calls. (Value: $1997 / Year)

The Emotional Eating Meal Guide + Template: A plug-and-play, dietitian-approved meal template guide to inspire creativity and remove overwhelm or eating confusion. (Value: $897)

8 Yin Yoga Classes for Emotional Eating: 8 classes that will calm your nervous system and provide that physical interruption you need when emotional eating is strong. (Value: $450)

9 Guided Meditations for Emotional Eating: 9 downloadable audio meditations that will provide anchoring and safety when you feel triggered or need additional support     (Value: $450)

The 28 day Wellness Habit Stack: Inside this habit stack you get access to PDFs and video + audio tools broken down into daily “challenges” so you can build your new wellness foundation on solid ground. (Value: $497)

A New Way to Eat Journal + Workbook: Think of this journal as having me in your pocket guiding you with the exact coaching questions, reflections and prompts that I give to my 1:1 clients who have overcome emotional eating and reclaimed their joy with food and body image.  (Value: $897)

TOTAL VALUE: Over $9,000

  • Total payment
  • 1xEmotional Eating Solution Course Special$0

All prices in USD
